Wadi-Kaja Organization for Refugee and Immigrant (WORI)



What To Expect From The Immigrant Settlement Services?

If you are an immigrant or refugee looking forward to learning information about schools for your kids, houses, or finding a doctor – we are here to help you out. If you have questions regarding the Canadian legal system and Income Tax, let us bring you some relevant information to solve all your queries and concerns.

We are here to assist you in terms of providing details on the settlement services in Toronto.

The ICA Settlement Program is all about providing services to refugees, immigrants, as well as refugee claimants that are residing in Greater Victoria. The settlement workers provide their services in more than 25 languages. With this, our Immigrant Settlement Services Toronto can also arrange services related to interpretation and translation in many other languages.

What Do Settlement Services In Toronto Do?

The settlement workers under these services aid all the individuals as well as families in terms of adjustment to lives in Canada. Here is an insight into the services provided by us:

• Canadian law
• Income tax
• Housing and healthcare information
• Dealing with cultural shock and isolation
• Education, training, and upgrading
• Childcare and concerns related to family
• Social benefits
• Information in terms of employment
• Citizenship, immigration, as well as protection of refugee
• Community skills and resources
• Human rights
• Other programs related to ICA.

The Immigration Settlement Services Toronto helps you with filling the forms, providing advocacy when required, explaining the advantages, accessing many services as well as providing individual and family support to the ones in need.

The New Protocol Of The Settlement Service Toronto In The Light Of Ongoing Pandemic:

In order to access the settlement services, it is recommended to call the mainline and to notify the reception about your concerns. The call then shall be forwarded to the Settlement Client Navigator to begin the intake process.

Necessary Documents And Identification:

You will be required to provide your permanent resident card or confirmation of the permanent residency. Alongside this, the necessary documents also include the Interim Federal Health (IFH) Card, Citizenship Card, passport/visa, single journey document, as well as other immigration papers that you possess.

What Can You Expect?

Because of the pandemic, the Immigration Settlement Service Toronto, would not be able to accommodate you in person or take any drop-ins. It is therefore suggested to get in touch with our reception and tell them that you are a new client. Afterward, your call shall be forwarded to the concerned official.

Step 1: Intake:

The navigator shall conduct a process of remote intake over the phone. During this process, the settlement client navigator shall do the following:

1. Inquire about your status of immigration as well as contact information. It is recommended to have your information on immigration ready.

2. Based on the initial session, the settlement client navigator will then explain the role of the settlement worker along with the other staff roles that are related to your circumstances.

3. Following this session, you will be directed on a specific date and time for your first meeting with the settlement worker.
Once your appointment has been completed and if you have further inquiries to make, you can get in touch with the settlement worker over a call or other mediums of teleconferencing.

Step 2: Settlement Worker:

Our settlement worker can interact in the below-listed languages:

Arabic, Dinka, Cantonese, Dari, French, English, Mandarin, Japanese, Sudanese, Shilluk, Persian, Spanish, Telugu, Tamil, and Vietnamese.

Settlement workers can help you in terms of accessing the ICA services like services related to language, employment, specific and specialized courses, activities for men, women, youth, and senior citizens.

Settlement workers, Non Profit Organizations Toronto are a remarkable source of information, support, and referral. Speak to us, we are happy to help.